Someone you don't know contacts you unexpectedly.
It seems too good to be true..
Our experts thoroughly review all your documentation (a process that can take up to two weeks). We then prepare a detailed, written request for you to and present it to the platform.
Online trading has become increasingly popular in the past several years, with millions of individuals worldwide choosing to invest their hard-earned money.
The boom in online trading is a direct result of digitization of the markets, which effectively opened the door to millions of inexperienced people across the globe, who suddenly find themselves with access to these financial tools that claim to offer them easy and simple ways to invest their money, while on the same note, also exposing them to fraudulent practices such as Binary Options, CFD, Forex and Cryptocurrency scams.
This world of online trading has effectively become a breeding ground for scammers and fraudsters who promise large monetary compensation and success, using the spread of misinformation and high pressure sales tactics to actively and knowingly steal from their unsuspecting victims, forcing them down a rabbit hole of shame and frustration.
“We have noticed the alarming trends online on scams and fraud related activities perpetrated through the internet.”
We decided to be the vanguard of funds recovery and fight against all types of scams. Our main aim is finding innovative solutions, ideas and technologies, tactical dispute strategies to help fight against internet scams and effective recovery of lost funds.
We have decided to be the defendant to the common internet users, sharing our knowledge and expertise with all internet users who has lost to internet scam. Our main objective is helping every scam victims with fraud investigation and fund recovery solutions.
Our experts have years of experience in negotiations with banks and other financial institutions as well as government bodies, which allows us to tackle even the hardest situations.
The more time passes by, the less is the chance to fight your money back. We know it and employ the fastest procedures according to a strict plan.
Our professional secrets allow us to always be one step ahead of other recovery companies — and scammers as well. Trust your case to the best professionals.
When you File a Case, We will review your claim and collect evidence, approach the companies claim your money back.
We charge just 20% of the total money recovered ,we . Note: payment must be completed within 6 days.
The scam recovery process takes just a maximum of 2 weeks.
We employ a set of standardized procedures that help us determine the qualification level of the lawyer we work with.
You can contact through our support live chat in the website,our WhatsApp support or our mail address