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A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, to control the creation of additional coins, and to verify the transfer of coin ownership. STALWART ASSETS LTD offers diverse options for those who wish to trades and invest in the growing crypto markets. The concept of sustainable investing can mean different things. Asset owners and asset managers often operate with multiple definitions, messages and motivations. STALWART ASSETS LTD operates from a simple definition of sustainable investing: Combining traditional investing with environmental, social, and governance-related (ESG) insights to improve long-term outcomes for our clients. Our view: Companies with strong profiles on material sustainability issues have potential to outperform those with poor profiles. In particular, we believe companies managed with a focus on sustainability should be better positioned versus their less sustainable peers to weather adverse conditions while still benefiting from positive market environments.

Cryptocurrency Markets

Cryptocurrency markets are decentralised, which means they are not issued or backed by a central authority such as a government. Instead, they run across a network of computers. However, cryptocurrencies can be bought and sold via exchanges and stored in ‘wallets’ . Unlike traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies exist only as a shared digital record of ownership, stored on a blockchain. When a user wants to send cryptocurrency units to another user, they send it to that user’s digital wallet. The transaction isn’t considered final until it has been verified and added to the blockchain through a process called mining. This is also how new cryptocurrency tokens are usually created.

Crypto Investment Plans


ROI: 2.5% (4days)

Withdrawal: After 7 days

Minimum withdrawal: $50

Contract period: 4 weeks


ROI: 7% (8days)

Withdrawal: 7 days

Minimum withdrawal: $50

Contract period: 6 weeks


$10,000 - Unlimited
ROI 15% (Days)

Withdrawal: 14 Days

Minimum withdrawal: $50

Contract period: 12 weeks

List of Investments

Moderate global economic growth for the foreseeable future has set in and appears to be the new normal. At the same time, usual late-cycle limits, most notably an overheating in factors such as wage and price inflation that would prompt central banks to tighten even as recession risks rise, are not visible. On the contrary, interest rates fell during the year. As a result, we believe we are in a slow-moving cycle or to say it differently: even lower for even longer.

In this environment of moderate growth and low rates, Real Assets fundamentals remain sound (as discussed in the previous section). New construction remains in check in a vast majority of global real estate and infrastructure markets, with a combination of disciplined lending markets and structural barriers such as higher construction costs and policy uncertainties. As a result of this relative demand-supply balance, and in line with the last few years, income growth has driven healthy and stable Real Assets returns.

While from a high level, the market may appear similar to 2019, there are divergences across both sectors and markets (more on that in the next theme). Even though we have experienced an unusually long and stable cycle, cycles are not dead; rather, they are stretched and bumpier. In such a market it is important to remain cognizant of any emerging imbalances. Patience, risk control and flexibility remain critical.

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